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Product Updates

Mid-Year 2024 Product Release

Check out our latest innovations as part of the annual Mid-Year Release, along with a recap of our product keynote and product deep dive sessions from this year's Meltwater Summit. Plus, learn about the new Meltwater Copilot, a next-generation communications assistant built in collaboration with Microsoft.

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October 2024
New Feature
Meltwater: Platform Assistant

Meltwater’s Platform Assistant is an AI-driven tool that helps you easily access insights and streamline tasks through simple, conversational commands. Whether you need brand monitoring data, competitive intelligence, or media analysis, the assistant responds quickly to your requests, enhancing productivity and saving you time.

October 2024
Engage: Facebook Reel performance metrics in Social Dashboards

Track, measure, and report on your Facebook Reels' performance alongside your other social content in the Facebook Overview, Cross-Channel Overview, and PEO dashboards.

October 2024
Klear: Influencers tab in Monitor

Discover top influencers mentioning your competitors in the new Influencers Tab in Monitor. With aggregated performance metrics, it's easy to see which influencers are the most active and making the biggest impact.

October 2024
Explore: The Washington Post

All users can now discover rich content from The Washington Post with every search. Dive into top-tier journalism while exploring the stories that matter most!

October 2024
Monitor: Explore Filters in Monitor

View a focused stream in Monitor and filter with the same granularity you have in Explore

October 2024
New Feature
Media Relations: AI Journalist Search in Contact Search

Stop sifting through thousands of contacts and quickly find the best-fit journalists for your story by searching with your key messages, pitch, or press release.

October 2024
Explore: Yogi (Shopee) Review Tracking

MeetYogi Review Tracking provides a comprehensive view of customer sentiment by capturing product reviews from various e-commerce platforms.

October 2024
Explore: NewsGuard Reliability Ratings

NewsGuard rates the credibility and transparency of the 10,000 sources. These can be used as signals for the source reliability of content sources.

September 2024
Explore: Brand Analytics with Tab-Level AI Insights

Brand Analytics simplifies key metrics like volume, narrative, sentiment, and engagement with a user-friendly framework, while Tab-Level AI Insights and shareable reports help Marketing Managers quickly identify strengths, address weaknesses, and improve decision-making in real-time.

September 2024
Media Relations: Open Rates for Individual Media Contacts

See which contacts are engaged and who needs more personalization to improve your outreach with individual open rates. Previously, open rates were only available for media lists, leaving you guessing which contacts were truly engaged.

Can be found on a contact’s profile, media contact preview, and in the Media Lists journalists table.

September 2024
Klear: New Creator Payments option through Gigapay

Offering a new way for customers to send influencer payments through a partnership with Gigapay. Gigapay provides a streamlined solution for teams seeking consolidated payments and tax compliance support.

September 2024
Analyze: Estimated Views for Coverage Reports

Estimated Views approximates the number of times an average article from a publication has been viewed, and can now be used in Coverage Reports to measure earned media impact.

September 2024
New Feature
Explore: Rules-based Automation (Beta)

Optimize your daily workflow with automation! Leverage our customizable keyword rules engine to automatically tag, adjust sentiment, or filter out irrelevant media mentions, freeing up your time for more strategic tasks. Currently in Beta.

September 2024
Engage: Three new Facebook metrics in Measure

Track how many people want to see your brand’s content with Facebook follower metrics: Total Followers, Net Followers, and Follower Growth.

September 2024
Klear: Tracking Links & Coupon Codes For Influencers Without A Klear Account

Create tracking links, and coupon codes for influencers in campaigns who haven't been invited or don't have a Klear account.

September 2024
Media Relations: See All Sources Where a Contact Has Contributed

View all sources a contact has contributed to with "Also seen in," helping you determine if they're a good fit for your story and personalize your outreach.

September 2024
Engage: Paid, Earned, & Owned (PEO) Social Dashboard

Gain fast insights, optimize in real-time, and adjust strategy with paid, earned, and owned metrics on one dashboard!

September 2024
Analyze: Interactive Shareable Dashboards

Empower stakeholders with dynamic reports that surpass static PDFs—share a URL for interactive charts, expandable lists, clickable spikes for mentions, and direct article navigation.

August 2024
Engage: Post Metrics Breakdown Insight in Social Dashboards

Monitor and evaluate performance trends with aggregated post-level metrics. Compare current metrics against those from previous reporting periods to gauge progress. This feature is available in Measure’s comprehensive cross-channel and social channel-specific overview templates.

August 2024
Klear: Centralized Connect Inbox

Klear’s Centralized Connect Inbox unifies all influencer interactions into a single source. Manage all communications across Klear: Klear messages, campaign messages, emails, mass emails, view full histories, and take key campaign actions in one place. This streamlined interface helps teams stay organized and maintain personalized communication as influencer efforts scale.

August 2024
Klear: Audience Demographics Tab in Monitor

The new Demographics tab in Monitor, Klear's hub for competitive influencer intelligence, gives a clear view of the audiences your competitors are reaching. Featuring visual breakdowns by Gender, Age, Location (including Countries, U.S. states, and cities), Influence, Interests, and Brand Mentions helps verify target markets, discover new opportunities to sharpen your influencer strategy, and stay ahead in your niche.

August 2024
Engage: Auto-select calendar time slots for easy post scheduling

Hover over a calendar time slot to create a post—no need to remember or manually enter dates and times.

August 2024
Klear: Edit Campaign Metrics 

Accurately measure campaign success with the data most important to you by manually updating campaign posts with any performance metrics gathered outside of Klear.

July 2024
Engage: All in one tab publisher

The publishing experience in Engage has been upgraded with three new features. The new publishing ‘tabs’ workflow simplifies switching between channels, enabling users to easily make channel-specific edits and customizations. The integrated video editor in Publish allows users to edit, adjust, and customize uploaded videos in Engage, directly during the scheduling and publishing process. The link preview thumbnail improvements will more directly match the thumbnails generated for links. 

July 2024
New Feature
Klear: Competitive Influencer Intelligence

Monitor is the new competitive intelligence hub for brands to compare the influencer investment, performance metrics, content themes, and audience insights across key competitors. Choose brands to track, set up a landscape, and start unlocking insights in minutes.

July 2024
Newsletters: New Template including Subsections

We’ve added a new template that comes pre-loaded with Subsections, making it easier to get started. Or, if you have an existing Newsletter template, add subsections by selecting “edit template” from the project page menu. Unlock better organization with subcategories within sections. You can also move elements of the Newsletter around using the up & down arrows, allowing you to further organize the layout of your Newsletter. 

July 2024
Radarly: Discord Integration
July 2024
Explore: Improved Export Options

We've added a new template, called "Popular Fields & Metrics" with new fields to address common use cases, more consistency, and improved formatting. Plus, localized AVE currency values and column name translations and the option to export in Excel. Just click on multiple articles, then the download arrow to see it in action. Note: this feature is currently available to 10% of users, and will be rolled out to all users over time. 

July 2024
New Release
Meltwater Mid-Year 2024 Product Release

Check out our latest innovations as part of the annual Mid-Year Release along with a recap of our product keynote and product deep dive sessions from this year's Meltwater Summit. You'll learn how our newest updates help provide easier data analysis, smarter social management, streamlined influencer campaign management, AI overviews and more. Plus, learn about the new Meltwater Copilot, a next-generation communications assistant, built in collaboration with Microsoft.

July 2024
Explore: Case-Sensitive Operator

The Case Sensitive Operator lets users search using specific casing (uppercase, lowercase, or a mix). This helps users find mentions of the brand Apple amongst all the mentions of the term “apple”. Being able to find the instances where the word is capitalized and likely used as a proper noun helps reduce false positive matches and gives the search creator more organized and specific syntax. 

June 2024
Analyze: Compare to Same Time Period Last Year

Use the new date range selections in select comparison insights to select time periods other than the previous period. Compare a campaign period to the same time period last year. Available for Total Mentions Comparison, Total Potential Editorial Reach Comparison, and Average Sentiment. Previously, these comparison insights could only compare to the preceding matched time period.

June 2024
New Feature
Media Relations: Media List Management

Media Relations > Media Lists is your new home for contact management. This overview page features dedicated tabs that display information about your media lists, all journalists or other contacts on your media lists, and all imported or created (private) contacts. Streamline contact management with customizable table views, detailed list analytics, and a powerful List Comparison tool. Spend less time wondering about the content and quality of your lists. Redirect that time towards engaging authentically with the right audience.

June 2024
Workspaces: Read-Only Searches

Get to the most relevant materials unique to your Workspace with Read-Only Searches, Custom Categories, and Author Lists. Navigate Meltwater and get to your daily work without scrolling through other teams' assets. Previously, all assets included in a Workspace were editable without a read-only option. While some teams need to reference searches to learn more about them, not all teams need access to modify them.

June 2024
New Feature
Klear: Product Gifting For Any Influencer

Send a gift to any influencer in your campaigns without sending a campaign invite or requiring them to create a Klear account. Engage more influencers and speed up your process with less back and forth. This is especially helpful for campaigns focused on product gifting where you don’t need to send influencers other campaign assets through Klear like agreements, tracking links, and more. This option is only available for customers with a Shopify integration.

June 2024
Monitor: Autorefresh

Automatically load the newest mentions in Monitor at a chosen interval. Stay in your existing monitoring view, keep your context in the stream, and be informed of emerging articles and posts marked. When the stream of results refreshes, your view will no longer get pushed to the top of the stream. We built these updates to make it easier to remain in context and continue working in Monitor without additional load times.

June 2024
Analyze: Schedule Reports

Schedule your Dashboard to be sent to you at a preferred interval. Discover it in your inbox weekly or monthly. Educate & Inform Stakeholders with ease: Responsible for reporting to stakeholders? If they have a Meltwater account, they can set up their own scheduled reports. Eliminate the time spent logging into Meltwater just for accessing your reports. Use the time saved to action the learnings from your Dashboards, research your findings, or execute your PR strategy.

May 2024
Klear: Extended Performance Metrics per Post

Using Content Filters you can easily see the key topics areas an influencer posts about most, and jump into the posts within each category to evaluate their expertise, quality, and engagement. See the performance metrics on an individual post level to vet audience engagement and excitement for a specific piece of content. Extended metrics now include reach, engagement rate, and EMV when applicable per channel. 

May 2024
New Feature
Explore: AI Search Assistant

The AI Search Assistant is an AI-powered chatbot customized with internal knowledge of the Meltwater Boolean language and associated operators. It helps generate brand and industry searches, expand or narrow searches, repair Boolean errors, and even translate searches to other languages. The AI Search Assistant simplifies the search query writing process for users of all levels, writing high-quality searches faster and with less hassle, leading to more accurate results and time for making data-driven decisions.

May 2024
Reporting: Key Message Penetration for Insight Reports

Available for PR Insight Reports users: Use the Key Message Penetration slide to evaluate the success of your brand messaging. This AI-powered slide analyzes a sample of the articles with the highest reach to provide a breakdown illustrating how your brand’s key messages are highlighted in the articles and assess the effectiveness of the intended positioning.

May 2024
Engage: Social Account Groups

Account Groups allow users to create custom collections of owned social accounts and users, for easy access when running reports and scheduling content. Bundle and assign any number of people and permissions across select social media channels, organizing and focusing users only on the channels that matter to them.

May 2024
Engage: Download Publishing Calendar as PDF

An updated calendar, publishing flow, and ChatGPT-powered AI writing assistant in Engage! The calendar features drag-and-drop posts, a workbench slide-out for actioning drafts and approving posts, plus additional calendar and post-level views. Also featured in the new publishing flow is a download button for collaborating with your team. Formats include: Download CSV and Print to PDF.

May 2024
Author Segments: Select All Authors

The ability to bulk select authors to add to an author list. Users can select all authors to add up to 5,000 authors to a list at a time. This update makes adding authors to a list easier. Rather than adding each author one by one, users can now add up to 5,000 authors to a list in bulk. This is especially valuable for users who create author lists from Explore searches that yield many results.

May 2024
New Feature
Engage + Klear: Unify your owned and influencer efforts to drive better results on social

Unlock the full potential of Influencer Generated Content (IGC) to enhance audience engagement and ensure strategy coherence. Now, Klear campaigns are seamlessly integrated into Discover Content, empowering you to effortlessly repurpose proven influencer content into your owned campaigns. Explore key metrics like average engagement rate, total reach, and top influencers with the Influencer Campaign Dashboard in Measure. Compare these insights against your owned content performance in the same report, to craft a cohesive and effective marketing strategy that resonates with your audience.

May 2024
Analyze: Earned Media Measurement Report Template, Change the Search Applied to your Report Tab

Now, the Earned Media Measurement report template can be created with the same design and content customization as the first 4 report templates (Coverage, Campaign, Brand, and Benchmark). Creating a customized report that works for you and your stakeholders can be time-consuming. To change the search(es) applied to the entire tab, click on Edit Inputs at the top of the tab.

May 2024
Explore: Top Keywords and Entities, aka the 'Everything' Cloud

Streamline efficiency with a new word cloud in Explore that combines the power of four widgets into one. Keywords and Entities include Hashtags, Products, People, Organizations, Locations, Emojis, and Keywords. Click on the legend to include/exclude word types from displaying in the cloud. When excluding items, the cloud will dynamically re-fill with items from the other still-selected types, by occurrences.

May 2024
Newsletters: Social icons, social handle in footer, and more discoverable syndicated articles

Easily display or hide social icons directly on select articles in the Newsletter, and link to your brand's social accounts in the footer. Choose top syndicated stories & similar mentions for your Newsletter. The syndicated article with the top reach now appears by default without expanding duplicates.

May 2024
Workspaces: Introducing Admin Workspaces

All accounts with Workspaces now have the option to add users to the Admin Workspace. Gain visibility into all current searches and assets across your entire organization, and maintain a bird’s eye view by easily toggling between your admin and custom workspaces. Your admin workspace will automatically include all existing and newly created assets (such as searches) for the entire account, regardless of the workspace those assets were created in.

May 2024
Engage: Rules-based Automations

Say goodbye to manual moderation tasks and automatically tag, modify sentiment, or hide fan messages in Engage - Conversations. Create unique rules to auto-tag, modify sentiment, or even hide fan messages on your social accounts, all triggered by the presence, or absence, of specific keywords.

April 2024
New Feature
Analyze: Coverage Report Template

When we released new Analyze templates last month, we planned to build a fourth report template that makes it easy to showcase your earned media placements.

Previously, only one article could be highlighted in each insight in report templates. Use Coverage Reports to showcase articles that are most relevant to stakeholders, with up to 100 articles for each media type of your earned coverage.

April 2024
API: New Fields and Improved Metadata for JSON Exports and Streams

Introducing a new JSON template for API export and streaming features. This new template is more readable, logical, and is consistent across export and streaming features. The new JSON template simplifies the work of developers and analysts by providing a more readable, intuitive data format to work with. The new layout and fields reduce manual steps in combining Meltwater data with datasets from other providers within your existing tools. 

April 2024
Engage: Publish - Instagram Collab Posts

Instagram Collab posts are a dynamic fusion of creativity where two or more creators come together to craft a Feed Post or Reel, seamlessly shared on each collaborator's profile simultaneously. Leveraging an Instagram Collab post with another brand or creator to tap into each other's audience, broadening your reach collectively. It's a win-win scenario, where both parties unlock new avenues to connect with fresh, untapped audiences. 

April 2024
Smart Alerts: Follow a Post: Now for Facebook and Reddit

Follow a post, directly from the content stream or every mention alert email! Get notified every time that post then receives a new reply, repost, or quote. Track engagement and scale, to see if intervention is needed, or comms required from the brand. Monitor the traction of a post to track real-time reception, organic growth, and ad spend opportunities. 

April 2024
AI-Powered Insights via Filtered Mentions in Explore

AI-Powered Insights instantly provide a synopsis of the top posts and content driving a specific metric in a fraction of the time it would take a human to do the same. AI-Powered Insights appears via the Filtered Mentions slide-out already in Explore. AI-Powered Insights offers a sampled synopsis using the top 20-25 documents, by reach and/or engagement, and only for metrics with more than 2 mentions.

April 2024
Newsfeeds: Updated Look & Feel, Faster Loading Times

Newsfeeds are still the best way to republish content found in Meltwater to a public website. We've updated Newsfeeds to make it even easier to use and navigate! You'll also notice faster loading times so you can refocus on PR efforts. Showcase content found in Meltwater on your website with our embeddable Newsfeeds. Note: Newsfeeds are no longer stuck in the "Share" tab! We've moved Newsfeeds to Content.

April 2024
Klear: Edit Influencer Deliverables 

You can now edit existing influencer deliverables when updates, like shifted due dates or change in social network, need to be made. This helps stay nimble and organized in real time when campaign changes pop-up instead of falling behind spending hours deleting and recreating deliverables.

April 2024
Reporting: New AI-powered theme analysis slide

The theme analysis slide categorizes the top 100 articles sorted by reach into up to 5 themes, displayed in a pie chart. Reinvest the saved article processing time towards presenting the report to your team. Available to PR Insight Reports users.

March 2024
Meltwater: Add Content redesign including a realtime status check

Capture more content by adding it in the modernized "Add Content" page, directly tag it or add to an existing search. Now includes a real-time status check so you know when the URL has been added. Adding Content is now faster, so you can get back to your earned media efforts.

As before, you can still add content to an existing search, whether the Explore filters match or not.

March 2024
Engage: Updates to Facebook metrics and historical Data

Our Engage team replaced two metrics (to account for an FB change) and re-calculated engagement rate to include reach. We will store historical data indefinitely across Conversations, Publish, and Measure (as long as the customer remains with us). *This will continue to be 15 months for X/Twitter replies and mentions. The new metrics allow us to continue to surface performance metrics to customers, while the new engagement rate drives consistency between native and in-app reporting. A longer time window allows customers to run multi-year analysis, revisit old threads with fans, and easily look back at posts from years past.

March 2024
New Feature
Analyze Dashboard Templates

Build comprehensive earned media Dashboards quickly, with new Dashboard templates. Choose from a selection of templates pre-loaded with insights. These templates are available in the Analyze landing page, featuring a faster setup and recommended insights packaged in each template, so you can get your Dashboard up and running in a flash. These templates are built from our industry knowledge, in collaboration with Sales and customers, to offer a stepping stone into creating industry-leading impactful reports. Previously, each insight required painstakingly assigning searches and configuring insights. Now, you can create a functional dashboard powered with insights in a few clicks for your last customizations.

March 2024
New Feature
Radarly: Image-based Search

Go beyond text-based keywords to fuel your data set: capture image-based content in your project using logo and celebrity recognition. Dramatically increase your ability to search for and find a brand logo or a brand ambassador, even if they aren’t mentioned by name. Strengthen your data set for use cases such as brand performance monitoring, brand ambassador assessment, measurement of sponsorship impact, or crisis management.

March 2024
Klear: Manage Account Attributes

Stay organized with one place to access and manage all of your tags, email templates, custom variables, and campaign labels through the new Attributes tab located in account settings.

Save time and streamline your workflow instead of jumping between different areas of Klear to keep your attributes accurate and up to date.

March 2024
Klear: Customize My Influencers Using New Social Stats

The column customization widget in the My Influencers table view has been updated to include a new Social Stats section. You can now display crucial metrics such as reach and engagement on priority platforms to help make more informed decisions when evaluating your network and planning collaborations.

March 2024
Analyze: Manually Adjust AVE and Data Density

Understand your Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) in more currencies, apply data density options to control how your charts appear. Choose from local currencies to display when calculating AVE (Advertising Value Equivalency) in Dashboards and customize the conversion (attribution) rate. Use the new data density option to adjust how data is displayed over time within a chart by choosing to see your data broken down by hourly, daily, weekly or monthly.

March 2024
Meltwater: Sensitive Content Warning in Image Previews

Introducing a “Possibly Sensitive” content warning on article or post previews. Within Meltwater, a small percentage of content is recognized as potentially sensitive. We’re empowering users by adding a blur to the content preview, which can be exposed by clicking “show”. For PR and Marketing pros in high-risk industries or those prone to large amounts of spam, sensitive content like violence or NSFW images can be automatically blurred. Discoverable on content in Explore, Analyze, Monitor, and Author Segments.

March 2024
Explore: Keyword Search and Boolean Syntax Updates

Save time by easily modifying your keyword searches with new keyboard navigation and drag-and-drop. Use arrow keys to shift through dropdown options, navigate with Shift-Tab, and delete inputs with Backspace. Write Boolean faster with the new ability to add any combinators (AND/OR/NEAR/ONEAR, etc) within an operator.

March 2024
Klear: Suggested Topics in Discovery

Suggested Topics is a new section on the Discovery homepage, including a list of twelve topic search prompts personalized for your brand. Much like the Suggested Visual Prompts feature, Suggested Topics is powered by AI to evaluate your brand/service to compile personalized suggestions. This enhances the discovery process and helps fast-track search set-up using relevant topics. 

March 2024
Radarly: Video Analysis available for Instagram

We are now able to analyze all videos coming from Instagram in addition to the ones from X. For all other sources, we are still able to analyze thumbnails. Video Analysis brings a lot of additional value to all use cases that we can address in Radarly, from brand reputation and crisis management to content ideation. It also allows us to bring the Sponsorship use case to the next level, providing additional insights that we previously couldn’t derive from video thumbnails (which we currently analyze with image analysis) or other images.

March 2024
Author Segments: URL Dashboard

Create an Author Segments input dashboard based on the authors who reposted or replied to an individual post on X. Post-based audience analysis powers these reports based on engagement with a post to assess the impact of social media strategies and informing future decision-making. Simply paste the X post URL into the dashboard input to generate a dashboard, avoiding complex setup and getting users to their insights faster.

March 2024
Analyze: Remove Words from WordCloud

Craft your narrative and report on metrics that matter with added control over the words in your word cloud. Now, you can remove repeated or irrelevant words/phrases in Insights that use the word cloud visualization. Hover over the word cloud options to see which words have been removed.

March 2024
Klear: Include Attachments in Emails 

You can now add attachments (image, video, or PDF) to all emails sent in Klear instead of just in Klear messages. This applies to Mass Outreach, Individual Outreach, Campaign Invites, and Recruit response emails. Include multiple attachments to each email to streamline communication with influencers and creators and reduce messy email threads and followups down the line.

March 2024
Analyze: Upload an Image File in Dashboards

Upload a PNG, JPG, or GIF from files directly into your Dashboard using the Custom Image Insight. Now, you can upload an image to display your brand logo, the Dashboard’s initiative, or apply it to your slide background in Dashboard Reports. Stay in Meltwater: You no longer have to sign up with external image-hosting sites to create image links when adding your images in Dashboards.

March 2024
New Feature
Author Segments: Baseline Search in Compare

Announcing two new baseline Search options in the Compare dashboard builder: Country baseline and Segment baseline. Unlock richer insights and make better decisions with Country and Segment baseline options. Seamlessly compare up to five countries or segments side-by-side, or explore the overlap and differences between two selections. 

March 2024
New Feature
Engage: Publish - Product Tagging in Images for Instagram Posts

Tag products directly from your Instagram product shop via Publish! Reduce the risk of losing a potential customer via the funnel, but quickly moving them to purchase in a few steps, improving conversion rate. Instagram product tagging can help promote your business or products, increase brand awareness, and visibility, plus reach potential customers and influencers.

February 2024
Klear: New Ways to Send Mass Email

Send Mass Email Outreach directly from Discovery search results or My Influencers database instead of only being able to initiate through Recruit. Eliminate extra steps in the process and bypass having to create recipient lists through tags and CSV uploads. Outreach faster by sending emails directly from your current workflow rather than switching tabs to take action.

February 2024
Explore: Follow a Post from the Content Stream

You can now follow an X post, directly from the content stream! Every time that post then receives a new reply, repost, or quote, get notified. For Crisis management, real-time monitoring of a post to track engagement and scale, to see if intervention is needed, or comms required from the brand. For Campaign tracking, monitor the traction of a post to track real-time reception, organic growth, and ad spend opportunities.

February 2024
New Feature
Explore: Introducing the Weibo Insights Tab

A new Explore tab for surfacing channel-specific insights about Sina Weibo conversations, with widgets covering volume by post type, engagement trends, location data, online behavior, and more. Track and analyze brand mentions and related conversations on Sina Weibo. Use data and insights to make smarter decisions on your marketing strategy in China. Identify and incorporate trending conversation topics into your content.

February 2024
Measure: Top Posts List view

The Top Posts widget on all templates has been upgraded to include a new view: List. You must enter Edit mode on your dashboard to customize the widget. List view is a grid style view, prominently displaying post metrics in columns for easy consumption. Posts are represented by rows, with attributed metrics in columns.

February 2024
Analyze: Date Range Selections, and Total Insights in Dashboards

Introducing Last Week, Last Month, and Last Quarter date selections in Dashboards. In this update, you’ll also find 4 new "Total" Insights: Total Reach, Total Potential Social Reach, Total Social Echo, and Total AVE. The date range selectors match common reporting intervals, and remove the room for error when manually selecting dates. Use Total Insights to understand your brand’s earned media impact so you can inform and influence key stakeholders.

February 2024
New Feature
Meltwater: New Newsletter Experience

We’ve rebuilt Newsletters with a modernized workflow, enabling you to create visually appealing, mobile-friendly templates in just minutes. The Newsletter automatically populates with relevant articles so you can build your newsletter with ease, adjusting as needed to provide stakeholders with a comprehensive snapshot of today's media landscape. Streamline sending media monitoring roundups. Keep your stakeholders up to date on both the media landscape and the PR team’s wins.

February 2024
Measure: Top Posts: Sorting, Resizing, Impressions and Reach

We’re addressing a top customer ask for customizing the number of top posts and in what order they appear. The Top Posts widget on all templates has been upgraded to include a Sort by option (i.e. Comments, Shares, etc.), the ability to Expand to feature more rows of top posts, and Impressions and Reach as metrics below each applicable post. You must enter Edit mode on your dashboard to customize the widget.

February 2024
Explore: Drill into any Metric in Compare

Compare has been upgraded to allow drilling into any metric via the filtered mentions slide out, quickly providing users context to view all the mentions associated with that metric. This functionality has always been accessible from all other areas of Explore and is now available in Compare! Uncover the mentions behind each metric, word, and chart for deeper insights. Keep your place while you search through the mentions without leaving Compare.

February 2024
New Feature
Klear: Manage Your Influencer Network & Relationships

New customizations to My Influencers searchable database and an upgraded Relationship tab in influencer profiles (formerly Manage) enhance the IRM (influencer relationship management) experience in Klear to help you foster stronger relationships and build more strategic campaigns. Saved searches, column customization, and performance data in My Influencers allow you to analyze and segment your entire network, while the Relationship tab unlocks your entire relationship history with each influencer. Including all internal notes, performance data, communication history, and campaign assets in one centralized place.

February 2024
Klear: Bulk Select Influencers In Discovery

Select multiple influencers from discovery search results and tag or add to a campaign all at once. Reduce manual time spent on repeated tasks in discovery. Take action faster, send more timely outreach, and speed up campaign execution. Curate your network with handpicked influencers who are the best fit for your brand.

February 2024
Klear: Vet Influencer Content Using Topic Filters

AI-powered Content Topic Filters categorize an influencer's posts into key topics they post about most. Click into a content filter to review the matching posts in each category and sort by Similarity, Engagements, or Date. This helps vet influencer content to make sure it aligns with your brand, gauge an influencer’s expertise and experience in key topic areas, and understand which content or topics drive the most engagement as you strategize new campaigns. 

February 2024
Smart Alerts: Follow a Post

Keep tabs on a specific X post, directly from an every mention alert email. Get notified every time that post then receives a new reply, repost, or quote. Real-time monitoring of a post to track engagement and scale, to see if intervention is needed, or comms required from the brand. Monitor the traction of a post to track real-time reception, organic growth, and ad spend opportunities.

February 2024
Klear: Discover Similar Influencers To Scale Discovery

Introducing Similar Influencers, the upgraded version of the previous Network tab in influencer Profiles. Similar Influencers is now powered by AI visual analysis, and features a targeted list of influencers who have posted content similar to the profile you are reviewing. Similar Influencers speeds up the discovery process when vetting for quality content, helping to ensure the influencer you are interested in can produce compelling and relevant content for your brand.

February 2024
Meltwater: Estimated Views

Estimated Views is a metric that approximates the number of times an average article from a publication has been viewed. This is accomplished by dividing a publication’s monthly page views by the number of articles it published in a given month. Additional logic is applied to eliminate outliers. Estimated Views are found across Meltwater, in Insight Reports, Dashboards, Explore, Media Relations, API (exports and streaming), and Content Stream Exports. The aggregate values are more relatable and trustworthy when used in a report outlining the impact of a campaign or an issue. With Estimated Views, you can rely on a more realistic metric across your Earned Media reporting.

January 2024
New Feature
Engage: Publish - People Tagging in Images for Instagram Posts

Tagging people in posts expands reach and Instagram audiences: Reach a wider audience by tapping into the followers of the tagged profiles. This adds value when collaborating with influencers or other brands that are followed by a target audience. Showcases collaborations, partnerships, and creators while saving room in captions for additional content. By tagging profiles within the post, Engage users can save caption space. Unlike mentioning an account in a caption, tagged posts become part of the tagged content section on a profile, making it easier for Instagram users to discover related content.

January 2024
Analyze: More Inputs per SOV Insight in Dashboards

Previously, you were limited to only being able to compare up to 10 inputs in Insights measuring Share of Voice. With this update, you can compare up to 25 brands, competitors, or other criteria within one Insight. Discover more comprehensive benchmarking by SOV (Share of Voice), report on earned media more effectively, and trust the reports you’re sharing with stakeholders. Advanced Benchmarking: compare more brands and competitors than previously possible in one view. Tell a more comprehensive story: compare up to 25 inputs for a combined Insight instead of separating across multiple Insights.

January 2024
Workspaces: Three new Workspace Configuration Options

Now, admin users can decide if Custom Categories, Filter Sets, and Author Lists should be private to a Workspace, or shared across the larger organization. Assign Custom Categories, Filter Sets, or Author Lists to Workspaces according to their department, region, or project.

Keep teams and data organized internally, declutter your app environment, and share valuable resources easily. So you can capture opportunities, and minimize threats more effectively. 

January 2024
Engage: Discover Content - Adding Instagram support for User Generated Content (UGC) via Explore in the Engage Asset Library

Discover Content in the Asset Library of Engage allows users to search for and find user-generated content (UGC) via saved Explore searches that can then be used within Publish for content ideation and creation. This update adds UGC support for Instagram to already supported Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. UGC in Meltwater is a perfect example of researching your own audience, to better attract them, and others like them, with more relevant, engaging, and authentic content.

January 2024
Engage: Mixed Media Support for Instagram Carousel Posts

Create, schedule, and publish Instagram carousels in Publish, now with the ability to support Mixed Media (i.e. photo and video together). Engage your audience with Carousel posts, the Instagram post type with the highest engagement rate (here).

Ensure a consistent and visual brand identity across social by posting Instagram Carousel posts alongside FB, TW, LI, and YT.

January 2024
Media Relations: Limited Profile Type

We’re introducing a fifth Profile Type discoverable in Media Relations: Limited Profiles. Previously, profiles for journalists or other contacts that we considered inactive were not shown in Media Relations, nor were their profiles accessible. Limited profiles can be found in Meltwater in exact searches or when viewing older content. When you edit your list to remove limited profile types, you improve the chance of landing coverage.

As a result, you can engage authentically with those who find your message relevant, and discover media opportunities with accuracy.

January 2024
Klear: Influencer Suggestions Right In Your Inbox

Klear already provides AI powered Suggested Influencers directly on the homepage. Now, we've made it even easier to access and review curated recommendations with a Suggested Influencers Weekly Email that goes straight to your email inbox. Scale your network and discover influencers faster with AI powered recommendations just for you. Keep Discovery top of mind with the flexibility to move at your own pace. So you can jump into outreach with options at the ready when the time comes.

January 2024
Reporting: Mentions by Media Type in Insight Reports

Introducing a highly requested slide for PR Insight Report users: Mentions by Media Type.

By default, it showcases metrics across news media types; TV, radio, online news and print news. This release matches similar capabilities in Dashboards.

With this new slide in Insight Reports, you can now drill down into your analytics by Online, TV, Print, or Radio when reporting on earned media.

January 2024
Klear: Refine Your Discovery Search Results with the New Exclude Filter

Use the Exclude Filter to remove influencers already in your network (through tags and campaigns) from appearing in Discovery search results. Excluding influencers you have tagged and/or are part of a campaign (active or archived) will help you discover new influencers faster, as you will no longer have to sort through influencers they already know.

January 2024
Engage: Tags can now be used as Filters in Measure

Activate your saved tags in new ways in Measure. This update allows users to apply up to 50 post tags at a time. Users can match all of the tags selected or any of the tags selected - if you want to switch between “all” and “any” you can use the quick “match all” toggle. Campaign managers can now effortlessly analyze tagged content on a post-level basis and identify the characteristics of their highest-performing posts and campaigns.

January 2024
Klear: Access & Request Data From My Influencers Database

Two new updates to My Influencers in the Profiles module makes it easier to view and request important data on your influencers from one centralized place. Customize the information displayed in the Table View, which now includes Campaign Performance data. Add columns to display aggregated metrics for total Campaign Posts, Engagements, Reach, and EMV. Get TikTok Demographics and Fetch Email Addresses have been added to the Actions drop-down within My Influencers.

January 2024
Analyze: Top Journalists

Introducing two new insights now available in Dashboards: Top Journalists by Volume and Top Journalists by Reach. Understand the impact of your media coverage, or research journalists for future outreach. Know who to contact in the case of a correction, media opportunity, or further research on a topic of interest.

December 2023
Analyze: Top Journalists

Introducing two new insights now available in Dashboards: Top Journalists by Volume and Top Journalists by Reach. Understand the impact of your media coverage, or research journalists for future outreach. Know who to contact in the case of a correction, media opportunity, or further research on a topic of interest. Discover media opportunities and demonstrate impact.

December 2023
Klear: Send Individual Emails During Discovery

Send individual influencer outreach emails during the Discovery process (from Search Results and Profile pages) instead of through the Campaigns module. Previously, you needed to add an influencer as a member of a campaign to access contact details. The strategy behind your outreach process can take on different forms. For large-scale campaigns, Mass Outreach may be the best approach while nuanced campaigns may need customized outreach messages for each influencer.

December 2023
Klear: Make Recruit Pages Pop with New Hero Image Settings

Make Recruit landing pages stand out with new hero image settings that allow you to adjust the font colors and/or add a color overlay on your feature image. Previously, there was only one setting, which would apply one color selection to all title sections on a Recruit page. Grab influencers’ attention from the get-go and encourage them to keep reading on. Optimize your page with font colors that make it easier to absorb information and take action faster.

December 2023
Engage - Publish: New tones and Social Variations for the ChatGPT-powered AI Writing Assistant

We've added 18 new prompts to the ChatGPT-powered AI writing assistant, allowing users to take advantage of the latest advancements in generative AI. What’s new? 11 new Tones with 7 new Social Variations. Beat writer’s block and create more engaging content at scale with our ChatGPT writing assistant serving up multiple post variations in seconds.

December 2023
Analyze: Speed up dashboard building and time to insight with Duplicate an Insight

Now, instead of creating a new Insight every time, you can duplicate an existing one while creating your Dashboard.

Being able to scale the building of new Dashboards is really important. Similar to the option to duplicate entire Dashboards, we’re introducing the option to duplicate Insights. Duplicating an Insight reduces the amount of steps you take to the finished product. With less repeated configuration steps, you’re cutting down on the risk of accidental human error. 

December 2023
Analyze: Top Entities, Engagement Trend by Source Type

Introducing two new insights now available in Dashboards: Top Entities and Engagement Trend by Source Type. An entity is a keyword that is classified as a common or proper noun. Showcase your earned media impact with two new Insights in your Dashboard, displaying the Engagement Trend over time in a line graph and Top Entities in their own insight views. Drill down into an insight to see the featured content behind the chart.

December 2023
Radarly: Explainer in Insight Pages

Explainer leverages the power of LLMs to bring an AI-generated contextual explanation or summarization on the data you have selected and are investigating, allowing you to shorten the path to insight. After being rolled out in Discovery a few months ago to contextualize and bring to life insight recommendations found by Discovery, Explainer is now available in Insight Pages to summarize and bring context around a given post list.

December 2023
Meltwater: Content Stream Sort & Performance Updates - get to your most relevant content, quicker

Users spend a lot of their time working through content in the stream, processing mentions, researching, and categorizing. Now, the sort selection and order have been moved so that they are clearly displayed, ensuring users always know how their content is sorted, and how to make changes to the order. 

As part of this update, you might notice that the speed at which new articles load as you scroll on the page has also been improved by 30-40%, so you can scan faster than ever.

December 2023
Engage: Discover Content - Adding Facebook and Pinterest support for User Generated Content (UGC) via Explore in the Engage Asset Library

Discover Content in the Asset Library of Engage allows users to search for and find user-generated content (UGC) via saved Explore searches that can then be used within Publish for content ideation and creation. This update adds UGC support for two new channels: Facebook, and Pinterest, to already supported TikTok and Twitter. UGC in Meltwater is a perfect example of researching your own audience, to better attract them, and others like them, with more relevant, engaging, and authentic content. 

December 2023
Meltwater Achieves ISO27001 Certification

ISO 27001 certification (ISO = International Organization for Standardization) has emerged as a global gold standard for information security management systems (ISMS). Achieving ISO 27001 certification demonstrates Meltwater’s commitment to protecting the personal data of its 27,000 customers.

December 2023
Explore: AI-Powered Plain Language Summaries for Spike Analysis & Detection

AI-powered insights straight from the Mentions Trend widget in Explore, now with AI-powered plain language summary explanations to provide additional context, including the reasons for a spike. Spike analysis identifies and highlights statistically relevant shifts and anomalies in news and social conversations, guiding users to what’s truly impactful.

December 2023
API: Multi-source Support for Earned Media Analytics

Our previous earned-media analytics features required a source to be specified for their analysis (for example, news or Facebook). As a result, developers had to create multiple analytics calls when retrieving the same analytics available in Explore.  This feature will update API analytics features to fully support Explore searches, and remove the need for customers to specify a source for their analysis. 

December 2023
Radarly: Horizontal Stacked Bar Charts in Raw Values

Previously, when creating a stacked bar chart cart in an Insight Page, the displayed value format was only able to display percentages. We’re improving this feature by adding the raw values as a displayed option! See and compare the precise values of each category in the dataset. Raw values can make it easier to see the scale of each category you are working with.

December 2023
Klear: Daily Email Limits

Klear allows brands to integrate their email accounts to easily scale their outreach by sending emails to hundreds of influencers at once, simplify their outreach workflows, and amplify their recruitment strategies by integrating application forms.

To protect brands from exceeding their email clients’ daily sending limits, outbound emails sent from a customer’s email address in Klear will be scheduled in a queue if the volume of emails exceeds the daily sending threshold.

December 2023
Klear: Campaign Analytics in Reports

Skip the hassle of manually updating reports with extra slides & screenshots. Present and review results with confidence using a comprehensive data-driven report. Campaign Report exports now include additional slides highlighting data from the Analytics tab in Measure. Based on the campaign configuration, reports will include new slides for Metrics Over Time (comparing multiple data points), Performance Breakdown across social channels, and Top-Selling Products.

November 2023
Analyze: Show All Content Powering an Insight and a Filter Update

Now you can expand all the content assigned to an insight, as well as select all when updating your language or location using the Filters feature in your Analyze Dashboard. Trust the data and tell the complete story to stakeholders with confidence. As for the ability to select all when filtering? Sometimes, you have a specific language or location you’d like excluded rather than included. Now, instead of selecting manually, you can select all before making more changes in the settings.

November 2023
Klear: Free Image Library in Recruit

In Recruit’s landing page builder, users can search and use images in Unsplash’s free image library when building or editing their content on a landing page. Unlock visually engaging images to add to Recruit pages. Klear users can speed up building Recruit landing pages and eliminate the need to create their own images. In Recruit’s landing page builder, search for images in Unsplash’s free image library when building or editing their content on a landing page.

November 2023
Smart Alerts: AI-Powered Summaries on Spike Detection Alerts

Spike Detection alerts have been updated to include an AI-powered summary explanation of the alert. Identifying statistically relevant shifts in news and social media conversation, with added context via plain language summary explanations that include both the cause and reason for a spike.

Time Savings - very quickly, users can understand what’s driving a spike, unlocking deeper insights than ever before. By providing a summarized explanation of the cause and context of a spike, users can save hours previously used for data exploration and correlation.

November 2023
Explore and Radarly: new languages in Content Classification

Content classification model that classifies your project’s posts into a predefined set of categories (3-level ontology of categories inspired from IAB Content Taxonomy, the standard of marketing and online advertising) using state-of-the-art machine learning approaches.

With today’s release, we're thrilled to announce a substantial improvement to this feature in Radarly and Explore. This upgrade extends support to 72 additional languages, complementing the existing 13 languages.

November 2023
Media Relations: Introducing Saved Drafts and AI-Powered Recommended Journalists

Introducing a bundle of enhancements to PR Assistant, including the ability to discover suggested journalists based on your generated text! Now, you can send your content to suggested journalists, use an expanded text box when adding in Key Messages, and see your team’s saved generation history in Drafts. Available for Media Relations users only.

Automatically surface new journalist opportunities based on existing criteria & similar interests. As a result, we're making it easier for you to understand the likelihood of success with given journalists.

November 2023
Klear: Visual Search Image Upload

Upload an ideal image to Visual Search and discover influencers creating content just like it. Klear’s AI-powered Visual Search uses your image as a reference point to find matching results. Expand Your Network with more influencers who align with your creative vision.

Boost Results by targeting influencers with content similar to what’s already resonating with your audience.

November 2023
Klear: Recruit Influencers From Shopify

Open the virtual door to connect with authentic creators visiting your Shopify site. eCommerce users can now publish a Klear Recruit page and make it discoverable on their Shopify store in two easy steps:

First, publish your Recruit page to your Shopify site with a click of a button directly within Klear. Then, add your Recruit page to your site's main navigation menu within your Shopify account to make it discoverable to influencers. Save time and resources getting your page live within minutes. No designers, developers, or embed codes are required.

November 2023
Analyze: News Media Type Insights Bundle

Addressing a common need for more detailed PR reporting in Dashboards, we're introducing a new set of insights that break down metrics across news media types; TV, radio, online news and print news. As part of this release, we’re also introducing a new insight called Mentions Trend by Source Type. With these four new insights, earned media reporting can be categorized with more detail than in Explore, where News is a combined source category for filtering.

November 2023
Reporting: Sort Options for Daily Digest

Sort content in your Daily Digest, using any of the seven different values to help surface the most impactful content first. The two new options are Social Echo and Engagement. Previously, sorting by Reach, Relevance, Prominence, Geography, Language, and Date were the only available selections when scheduling Daily Digest Reports. With these two new options, users can modify the sorting to better fit their day-to-day monitoring responsibilities. With more customizable Daily Digests, users will be able to create relevant, accurate, and actionable reports. 

November 2023
Reporting: Top Social Posts slide in PR Insight Reports

Introducing a highly requested slide for PR Insight Report users: Top Social Posts. By default, it showcases the top 8 social posts sorted by Engagement. Get a more comprehensive understanding of the social posts related to your brand’s initiative. For PR pros, showcasing the relevant social posts in their campaign can provide a complementary narrative alongside earned media.Demonstrate what conversations your audience is engaging in, related to your brand. Ensure the right social posts are included in your report with customizable post selection. Bring relevant added context to the report with editable text in the slide.

November 2023
Klear: HQ Dashboard Reports

Klear Users with access to an HQ Dashboard can now create and export high-level reports including workspace metrics. These reports are customizable to include aggregated metrics from either multiple workspaces or multiple campaigns. So, for example, if you run two holiday-focused campaigns, each in a different workspace (one in a UK workspace, one in a US workspace), you can create one aggregated report including metrics across these two campaigns. For enterprise brands and agencies, this means less time manually combining reports across workspaces to create comprehensive weekly, monthly, or yearly reports. Helping to streamline presentations to key stakeholders and leaving more time to focus on strategy.

November 2023
Explore for MI: Media Profile Icons for Authors and Journalists

Easily discover profiles with our new media profile icons for authors (Twitter/X) and journalists (Editorial/news). We’ve surfaced clear followup actions when scrolling through authors and journalists. See which content has expandable profile previews at-a-glance without leaving your Monitoring View or other content stream. Unlock faster tagging and sorting: Spend a lot of time researching journalists in Explore or Monitor? Consistent media research is now even simpler with an icon that shows clickable profiles.

November 2023
Klear: Visual Search Results By Posts

Visual Search results can now be displayed by posts or by influencers. With results by posts, you’ll see a feed-style view of the exact pieces of content matching your search query instead of the influencer card view. Visual Search, much like a Topic or Keyword search, displays results by influencers. But, for campaigns requiring niche content creation, you might need to evaluate content first. So, we’ve expanded the options for how Visual Search results can be displayed to streamline the discovery process.

November 2023
Engage: Attached Link Process Enhancements in Publish, plus Customize Image and Metadata for LinkedIn Links

A streamlined attached link process in the Publisher, including auto-detecting embedded links, easier link shortening options, and better link preview warnings, allowing for faster content creation. When scheduling LinkedIn posts, featuring the ability to customize the title, description, and thumbnail for LinkedIn links! By auto-detecting embedded links in the compose box, users can work through the content creation process faster, offering a better user experience. By allowing the editing of titles, descriptions, and thumbnails for LinkedIn links, users are afforded greater flexibility, to customize and tailor the content of their messages. Sometimes, the metadata attached to a link is unhelpful, or computer-generated. Customization offers users the ability to better contextualize the information in a link, increasing the likelihood of engagement. 

November 2023
Smart Alerts: New Alert - Industry Events

A brand new alert - Industry Events! This alert is designed to alert you to high-impact business events for an entire industry (i.e. Automobile Manufactures, Health Care Services, etc.). The Industry Events alert allows for easy tracking and alerting on entire industries. This allows you to easily monitor entire sectors, without needing to set up Event alerts for every business inside that industry. Real-time alerts help individuals be the first to know and the most in the know inside their organizations. There’s real social value to possessing such knowledge, i.e., looking good in front of your boss.

October 2023
Engage: Discover Content - User-Generated Content via Explore in the Engage Asset Library

A new Discover Content option is available in the Asset Library for Engage customers. Discover Content allows users to search for and find user-generated content (UGC) via your saved Explore searches. Both the content media and text can then be used within Publish for content ideation. For social media managers and social marketers, there is a continual need for social content that is original, relevant, and engaging. Discover addresses this, allowing faster time to value and doing more with less. Less work compared to searching native channels and copy/downloading assets and text to repurpose.

October 2023
Analyze: Dashboards

Unlock earned media analytics with Dashboards – your all-in-one solution to monitor, understand, and report on your brand initiatives, with industry-standard metrics and consistent data transparency.

We’re introducing two options for building dashboards to fit your intended use case - daily interactive dashboards, and stylized dashboard reports. Dashboard Layout helps you build an at-a-glance overview of your chosen KPIs to analyze and monitor. Use it for quick and easy measuring, and analyzing of your active PR efforts. Report Layout is your place to build an organized view of your metrics in a slide layout - these can be shared as PDF, PPT, Google slides, or a Shareable Link. Showcase the impact of your work by building your dashboard in a presentation to report on your key takeaways to stakeholders. By combining an interactive daily workspace and the flexibility for external presentations, we’re making the journey more complete in Dashboards, ensuring accuracy and predictability in the final result's content and design.

October 2023
Engage - Conversations: Full Salesforce Integration in Conversations + Meltwater Engage via the Salesforce AppExchange

As a Salesforce AppExchange solution, Meltwater Engage lets you forward social media conversations to the Service and Sales Clouds, synchronize your customer and social media data, and respond to social media queries without leaving your CRM.

Improve data quality by associating social media profiles with pre-existing contacts.

Create cases, contacts, and leads in Engage. Save time by creating and automating the routing of cases, contacts, and leads from your social media management tool to Salesforce. Improve data quality by associating social media profiles with pre-existing contacts.

October 2023
Klear: Visual Search Suggestions

Visual Search Suggestions is a new section appearing on your Discovery homepage, including a list of search prompts curated just for you. 

Earlier this year, we launched Visual Search to expand the possibilities of influencer discovery beyond traditional keyword or hashtag searches. With Visual Search, you can describe an ideal piece of content and get a targeted list of influencers posting content just like it. 

To provide guidance when transitioning into this new search method, we originally provided example search prompts when starting a Visual Search. But we didn’t want to stop there. To help tailor searches for optimal results, we’ve introduced Visual Search Suggestions. 

October 2023
Klear: Coupon Code Tracking For All eCommerce Stores

Users using Klear’s Conversion Pixel can now import existing coupon codes from any eCommerce store to use in campaigns and track conversions. Previously, eCommerce users using the tracking pixel could only track conversions via tracking links, but now you can also track conversions from coupon codes.

For eCommerce brands, tracking conversions allows you to uncover your most successful influencers and see the overall impact of your influencer marketing efforts. This can be done in a number of ways like utilizing tracking links or coupon codes for each influencer. Previously, support for tracking coupon code conversions in Klear was limited to eCommerce brands using Shopify. But today, we have expanded coupon code capabilities to support all eCommerce stores using Klear’s Conversion Pixel!

October 2023
API Exports: Sampling

New API export options allow you to specify a maximum number of documents for a download, or a percentage of the results.

Previously, API exports returned a full volume of results matched by a search and time period. This left customers struggling to handle large volumes of data for high-volume topics, and made it very difficult for customers to stay within the data volume limits stated in their contracts. Now, you can use these refined export options to closely manage the volume of data you export from the API, knowing you’ll stay within your limits. Refocus on high-volume topics without being overwhelmed by data spikes, and discover sampled data for research projects, especially for broad searches.

October 2023
Analyze: Social Reach Insights

Unlock social reach analytics in your Dashboard view for a more complete brand overview. Introducing three new insights now available in Dashboards: Social Reach by Source, Social Reach Trend, and Top Posters by Social Reach. The Social Reach Insight allows you to track the number of potential viewers that have been exposed to a particular message in social media. Reach helps you identify the size of the potential audience, and gives you an understanding of what types of messages are most far-reaching in the social media space.

October 2023
Author Segments: New Media Preferences tab, plus an increase in saved dashboards to 200

The Media Preferences tab in Author Segments displays the percentage of users within your audience that follow other media accounts on Twitter. This helps identify the affinities your audience might have towards other media outlets/accounts. Media accounts are defined as Radio, Newspaper, TV, Magazine, Event, Podcast, Person, Movie. The number of saved dashboards users are allowed to save has been increased to 200.

October 2023
Explore: Location Data for Instagram Content

Location data is now available for Instagram content in Explore results! Location data is AI-based, using post-level data, such as hashtags, language, user bio, etc., to infer the country/location of the person/handle.

Not all Instagram content will include location data. This is due to privacy settings and other limitations on Instagram. By capturing where posts originate from, our users gain additional context on their audience sets. In other words, our users deepen their understanding of their audiences. For example, knowing where their audiences live or reside, can help Communications Pros run more targeted and location-relevant content or campaigns. Instagram location data is included in Radarly, Meltwater's Consumer Intelligence offering. By also including this information in Explore, users can expect a more seamless experience between tools. 

October 2023
Engage: Introducing Measure (Early Access)

Introducing brand new dashboards for Engage and Social Analytics customers measuring owned social media performance, with new features including expanded metrics, drag and drop, and resizing.

Measure is a new tab within Meltwater that houses dashboards with new features including expanded metrics, drag and drop, and resizing. Instantly access critical data from multiple sources in one centralized dashboard. No more need for individual reports per channel. Say goodbye to manual data compilation and reporting. Our dashboard builder features streamline your workflow, allowing you to focus on what matters most: strategic decisions.

October 2023
Engage: Publish - Post Boosting for Published Facebook Content

Facebook Post Boosting for published posts in Engage! Users can now boost published Facebook posts, via their connected Facebook ads account, directly from Publish in Engage. Power up your top-performing post with more reactions. Making them even more memorable. Expand your brand's reach. Boost isn't just about likes and comments. It's about stretching your brand's reach, reaching out to untapped audiences, and making bigger ripples in the vast digital ocean. Offering a quick and easy way to boost published Facebook posts from within Engage saves marketing managers time by eliminating the need to go to Facebook ads manager. With only a few clicks, a post can be boosted.

October 2023
Klear: Suggested Influencers

Klear’s Suggested Influencers is powered by AI to analyze your current influencers and automatically serve up curated recommendations just for you. Add your favorites to a campaign and/or tag right right from the Klear homepage! If you’ve found influencers who are performing well for your brand, finding more influencers producing similar content can be a challenging and time-consuming process using traditional search methods. Find your best matches without even performing a search, and engage your audience with influencers similar to those already driving results. Quickly expand your network with relevant influencers that drive impact and align with your brand. 

October 2023
Engage: Publish: Best Time to Post, Now for TikTok

Introducing Best Time to Post, an AI-powered tool designed to help you pick the optimal time to schedule and post social content. The timing of a social media post is crucial in ensuring its optimal visibility and engagement from fans. Best Time to Post takes the guesswork out of picking when to schedule content by using AI to suggest the most optimal times to maximize engagement. Our algorithm uses a collection of over 4.1 billion social posts across all time zones to provide you with precise suggestions for your social media posts, tailored to each day of the week and each social media platform.

October 2023
Explore: Relocated Search Actions

The actions available for searches in Explore have been replicated from the search drop-down menu to the purple Actions button for Keyword, Advanced, and Combined searches. Moving search actions under the Actions button helps declutter the search dropdown, and is a more intuitive design for users. By placing all actions under the Actions button, we’ve streamlined the workflow and behavior of users to put these options where they would naturally first look for them.

October 2023
Engage: Social Connections Banner in the Homepage

We’ve added a new banner for Engage users on the homepage that prompts users to connect their social accounts right away. The same banner also reminds them to reconnect accounts that are 48 hours away from expiring. The banner applies to all types of connections - paid, earned, and owned, ensuring workflows are streamlined, and no data is missed. Reduce the risk of losing access to your accounts and spending extra time reconnecting. These banners bring required actions front and center, so you can rest easy, without managing an expiration reminder calendar in the background.

October 2023
Klear: Personal Influencer Database

The My Influencers section on the Profiles page has been transformed into your own personal influencer database, which can be searched and filtered using your historical influencer data. Influencer Relationship Management involves building and nurturing long-term relationships. In order to do this, brands need the ability to collect, store, and view proprietary influencer data. My Influencers empowers brands to build targeted campaigns to maximize impact and results and nurture strong relationships with your influencer network to support long-term partnerships. Note: My Influencers in Profiles has replaced the Master List in Campaigns to consolidate where you need to go to access all of your influencers.

October 2023
Explore: Drill into a Journalist's Relevant Articles via the Media Contacts Tab

Explore + Media Relations users can now expand and drill into the Relevant Articles for a media contact via the Media Contacts tab in Explore, further closing the gap for Explore + Media Relations users. Now you can instantly read through relevant articles related to both a contact and search query with a single click. Users no longer need to leave Explore to dig deeper into the actual content a media contact is writing, and instead can have the articles presented directly to them in Explore.

October 2023
Smart Alerts: Enhancements for Spike Analytics Alerts

We’ve updated the Spike Detection alert to include two additional new details:

  1. Message Type - message type driving the spike (i.e. Twitter Retweet)
  2. Top Topics - the most relevant topics driving the spike (i.e. people and society)

Including both Message Type and Top Topics provides greater context to customers for Spike alerts. Going beyond just alerting users to a spike or by how much, to also include further detail to understand additional driving factors and variables attributing to the behavior.

October 2023
Explore: TVEyes Broadcast Ads - New Dedicated Boolean [promotional: true/false]

TVEyes has a new ‘audio-fingerprint technology’ that automatically discovers new ads when they appear on :us: US-based broadcast television. With this new technology, they split broadcast clips into “ad” and “non-ad” pages.

promotional:true -> ads

promotional:false -> no ads

Using the new Boolean operator promotional: true/false allows customers to separate earned (non-ad) from paid (ad) content on US broadcast stations, and reduce noise in their results.

Data is forward moving only, starting October 4, 2023.

This new feature will help customers get to value faster, eliminate noise from paid ads, and result in more accurate earned media coverage reporting. Customers searching only Ad Pages for industry terminology can discover competitive advertising campaigns quickly and help identify competitive advertising strategies. Customers can use these insights to determine how they can differentiate themselves across their own advertising plans.

October 2023
Reporting: New PR Insight Reports Experience now available!

Introducing a new experience for building dynamic, AI-powered custom stakeholder reports. Create reports that demonstrate the ROI of PR efforts within just a few minutes. For those who hand the report off to executives, Insight Reports enable you to highlight key learnings, modify the text in the slides for clearer storytelling, and customize the results for maximum accuracy.

You can now discover, sort, hide, and modify earned media coverage without leaving the reporting workflow. This makes it easier to eliminate irrelevant coverage, allowing you to present accurate results you want to highlight to your stakeholders. Automatically highlight key themes that drove your positive and negative coverage. Sentiment Analysis shows examples of aggregated terms, news, competitors, and industry insights in each sentiment category.

September 2023
Meltwater: Workspaces

Workspaces is an Enterprise admin capability designed to simplify the management of complex accounts. With Workspaces, you can separate users and searches into dedicated teams for consistency and organization. While global teams and enterprise teams find impact with Workspaces, smaller teams may benefit from assigning Workspaces as well.

Assign searches and Dashboards to teams according to their expertise, department, region, or client project. Enterprise teams use Workspaces to find the searches relevant to their team, and save time by accessing their data with a focused scope. Searches can be shared between workspaces, eliminating the need to manually duplicate them. Advanced administrative capabilities for chosen teams in your organization. For more info about Workspaces, contact your Account Representative.

September 2023
Meltwater: X (Twitter) Bookmarks

See how many times an X (Twitter) post has been bookmarked directly in Meltwater.

Discoverable on content cards in Explore, Monitor, and Analyze, Bookmarks indicate how many times users have bookmarked the post. Understand more about content related to your brand or initiative. See what content is being saved for later reading. Longform posts, discussions, or engaging announcements can often be bookmarked, similar to posts in Reddit and Instagram.

September 2023
Smart Alerts: Four New Event Categories Added to Event Alerts

We’ve added four new alert categories to Event Alerts: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Signs and Deals, and Marketing Advertising Initiatives.

Real-time alerts help individuals be the first to know and the most in the know inside their organizations. There’s real social value to possessing such knowledge, i.e., looking good in front of your boss. In terms of business value, our Event-based alerts feed organizations with real-time information and updates on competitive movements and industry happenings. Access to real-time competitive and industry info helps those same organizations make more informed decisions, faster.

September 2023
Explore: Journalist Profile Previews from the Content Stream

The same journalist profile previews featured in Media Relations and Monitor are now present in Explore for all users. Profile previews offer a streamlined way to view additional information on a contact, without leaving your current screen. This provides a faster way to easily vet contacts, without interrupting the customer workflow. By not opening a new tab, customers don't lose context or crowd their workspace when trying to gather info on multiple contacts at a time.

September 2023
Klear: Import Existing Shopify Codes in Bulk

Through a new Manage Coupons module within account settings, you can now bulk upload and import existing influencer coupon codes from your Shopify store. We recently launched the ability to import existing Shopify coupon codes into Klear campaigns, but this needed to be done one by one within Connect. Save time during campaign execution to jump right into action. Easily import your existing influencer assets into Klear to have at the ready for future campaigns.

September 2023
Explore: Spike Detection & Analysis v2

An update to the AI-powered insights feature on the Mentions Trend widget in Explore: Spike Detection and Analysis. Introducing a highlight of the content with the highest reach in the selected spike, as well as a new Insights tab in the View More Insights slide-out. Spike analysis identifies and highlights statistically relevant shifts and anomalies in news and social conversations, guiding users to what’s truly impactful. This update helps highlight the specific content most responsible for the spike and allows users access to the same pop-up analytics when drilling in, so context stays present.

September 2023
Radarly: Post Geolocation

Introducing Post Geolocation detection based on images in Radarly. It’s a new AI capability that allows automated detection of famous places, cities and countries in images contained in posts. Benefit from better precision on country and city detection for analytics and statistics. Filter posts related to an emblematic place for qualitative analysis.

September 2023
Meltwater: Recent Custom Date Range

Recently applied custom date range selections are now available across Monitor and Analyze for more granular media monitoring. Specify your date selection precisely to the time frame required for your media monitoring. Rediscover the date selection when switching apps.

Spend less time dialing in your date range, discover similar content when switching between applications. 

September 2023
Meltwater: Remember Duplicates Selection

Selecting multiple pieces of content is usually followed by common actions: tagging, exporting, sharing, or updating the sentiment. When selecting multiple pieces of content in Explore or Analyze for further action like tagging or exporting, you can save your selection instead of being prompted each time you bulk select. As a result, discover saved time and effort in your daily media monitoring.

September 2023
Engage: Search For Social Profiles & Handles by Name in Conversations

Searching for comments by username/handle has been a top customer request in 2023. The find bar in Conversations has been upgraded to allow searching for social profiles, usernames, and handles! Easily find all comments and replies from a single user. The new search function saves our users time, eliminating the need to scroll and sift through messages. With the freed up time, users will engage and resolve questions faster, resulting in happier fans and customers.

September 2023
Media Relations: Helping Our Customers Earn More Impactful Media Coverage

Introducing a reworked Media Relations Platform, featuring an overhauled media database, common CRM features, and more customizable search for targeted media lists. Contact profiles in Media Relations now feature badges indicating profile types: automated, verified, private, and user-modified. We’ve also improved the data and contact richness in our media relations platform for more consistent updates and made it easier to bring in your imported media lists.

Spend less time sifting through sources and more time on building valuable connections. These updates bring common media relations tasks into one centralized hub, and enable your team to get back to the stuff that matters, like crafting your outreach.

September 2023
Klear: HQ Dashboard

Workspaces in Klear allow cross-functional teams to organize and run campaigns in separate environments while staying consistent in their influencer workflow. The HQ Dashboard provides visibility into top-level metrics and activity across all workspaces. For teams supporting initiatives across multiple brands, products and markets, there are more KPIs to track/stakeholders to manage. The HQ Dashboard keeps leaders on top of what’s happening at a glance without having to dig into the weeds of each workspace.

September 2023
Klear: Enhanced Campaign Analytics

Dive deeper into campaign results and build a smarter strategy with new Analytics in Measure. The new Analytics tab features a full page of interactive charts and graphs displaying real-time results for your campaigns. Acting as a hub for your most impactful data, this includes an overview of metrics across time, a breakdown of social networks/content types, sales data, top influencers/content, and audience demographics. With Enhanced Campaign Analytics found in Measure, you can uncover the influencers, content, and channels driving the best results for your brand. 

September 2023
Meltwater: Optional Multi-Factor Authentication

Introducing an added layer of security in your Meltwater account with optional Multi-Factor Authentication! Multi-factor Authentication, also known as MFA, is now available on your profile page in Meltwater. Work safer and smarter with added security and protection. While MFA is optional, it delivers added security for those who enable it. MFA enhances security for enterprise software users by adding an extra layer of protection beyond just passwords, effectively curbing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.