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Masterclass: From Data to Consumer Insights

Asset is in Swedish

From large volumes to smaller, critical deviations. Data is on everyone's lips and information is the new oil. But data is not homogeneous and static but dynamic and alive. Therefore, we need methods to make it concrete, understandable and finally useful.

  • We start with the big picture and focus on large amounts of information. To show, step by step, how data can be anything from just volume to a needle in a haystack:

    Step 1: APIs and integrations - When you can't see the forest for the trees!
  • Step 2: Dashboards - How data predicts the trend!
  • Step 3: The deviation - Easy to miss to devastating and impossible to ignore. How can the deviation be identified and managed in time?

Tip: Take a look at this Swedish webinar: The Keys to Successful Leadership in a Fast-Moving World and check out the biggest Swedish influencers.

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