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2023 Industry Snapshot: Energy

An oil rig and tanker at sea in this image for Meltwater's 2023 Industry Snapshot: Energy.

We used the Meltwater Suite to get to the bottom of the consumer trends and attitudes impacting the energy sector most. Marketers take note: The rising cost of living and the climate crisis are changing how your organization should connect with audiences and monitor industry news.

This energy sector report shows you how to:

  • Analyze the consumer conversations behind future trends
  • Use competitive benchmarking to evaluate messaging
  • Identify conversation leaders and partnership opportunities
  • Stay up-to-date with industry policies and regulations

Let our 2023 Industry Snapshot: Energy report light the path to new opportunities for your organization or brand.

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A man is using the Meltwater Suite on his laptop and phone to improve his business strategy with media, social & consumer intelligence