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How to Spot Fake Influencers on Social Media

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Currently worth US$3 billion and estimated to double within the next year, the Influencer Marketing industry is not going anywhere anytime soon. However, as with any big trend, there are people who will want to exploit it. “Fake influencers,” where so-called influencers falsely increase their followers and engagement to seem more influential, has recently become a popular phenomenon. To ensure you’re not spending your resources on artificial ambassadors, Meltwater’s Marketing Manager, Philippa Dods, took us through this Webinar which covers:

  • How to differentiate between true and false influencers.
  • How to discover and manage the most relevant influencers for your brand (regardless of the size of your business or what industry you operate in).
  • How to stay on top of the social media trends today that are impacting the industry the most.

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