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The Art & Science of Influencer Marketing

A young influencer is testing a lip gloss and promoting it via social media

In today's world of Instagram celebrities and Twitterati, it takes more than just a feature on the evening news and a good press release to win over your customer’s attention.

Even the most traditional companies now recognise that influencer marketing is not only here to stay, but is something that's playing an increasingly important role in shaping buyer perceptions. The question is however… how do you build an influencer marketing strategy that filters out the fakes and translates to an actual return on investment?

Well, to answer that very conundrum we've partnered with the Influencer Marketing aficionados over at Skinnydip for an exclusive online webinar. We'll be taking a deep dive into how to go about planning, implementing and measuring an effective social influencer strategy.

Watch the webinar on-demand now!

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