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IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report: A Media Impact Analysis

A group of cartoon people looking at a giant computer screen that is displaying information about climate change that has been collected through media monitoring.

The Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), a series by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), looks at the current state of the climate, including how climate change is progressing and the role of human influence in this process.

After a stark 'code red for humanity' warning was issued by IPCC, the Sixth Assessment report was highly covered by the media

We wanted to better understand the media's reaction to this.

This IPCC Sixth Assessment Media Impact Analysis by Meltwater Details:

  • Key industries that have been mentioned within AR6 media coverage
  • What topics and themes industry-specific coverage has focused on
  • How the IPCC report ultimately affects the mentioned industries

Download Meltwater's Sixth Assessment Media Impact Report and inform corporate decision-making today.

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