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Convince by the Numbers: Data-Driven Content Your Industry Will Cite and Clients Will Love

Zontee Hou, Director of Strategy, Convince & Convert

Take a data-driven approach to your content marketing!

No matter the industry, people are more convinced by data than anecdotes. How do you figure out the stats that will sway your audience and carve out a space for thought leadership in your market? The key lies in locating industry data, identifying the holes in the marketplace for thought leadership, generating your own research and optimizing that content for search.   

Join Convince & Convert and Meltwater to discover the best ways to infuse your content marketing strategy with data by using digital and social intelligence. You’ll find out: 

  • Data's role and influence in the customer's buyer journey 
  • How to identify holes in the marketplace and topic ideas for content generation 
  • The types of data that generate links and desire to cite and how to optimize this content for search and backlinks

Zontee Hou

Director of Strategy, Convince & Convert

Zontee Hou has been a passionate marketing and communications advisor for nearly 20 years. She’s the founder of digital marketing agency Media Volery and head of strategy for the respected consulting firm, Convince & Convert.

Zontee was named one of LinkedIn’s 16 marketers to follow in 2021. She is also consistently named one of TopRank’s 50 most influential content marketers and 25 most influential B2B marketers. Her work has garnered multiple awards including several PR News Platinum Awards and a Forrester Groundswell Award.

Her clients have included Allstate Insurance, Oracle, Cisco, and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. Zontee has been a faculty lecturer in strategic communications at Columbia University, as well as a board member and lecturer at the City College of New York. She’s an in- demand digital marketing speaker who presents at events around the world.

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