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Meet Coca-Cola Company in Africa

Founded in 1892, the Coca-Cola Company is the largest beverage manufacturer and distributor in the world. They have a vast and diverse drink portfolio spanning more than 200 brands, available in over 200 countries. The Africa Operating Unit (AOU) is one of nine Coca-Cola operating units across the world. It has over 20 beverage brands in 54 countries, including local brands like Appletiser, Valpre, Stoney, Hollandia, and Bonaqua. The company has 22 bottling partners, with over 125 bottling plants, who bottle and distribute their beverages, including Coca-Cola Beverages Africa, Equatorial Coca-Cola Beverages Africa, and Coca-Cola Hellenic. The vision of The Coca-Cola Company is to craft brands and choices of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body and spirit, and to do this in ways that make a difference in people's lives, communities, and our planet.

Meltwater helps Coca-Cola in Africa to:

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Track conversations about Coca-Cola

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Structure internal and external communications to stakeholders

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Manage Coca-Cola in Africa's reputation

The Challenge

As one of the Communications Managers for The Coca-Cola Company Africa Operating Unit, Refiloe Serai is responsible for internal and external communications.

"Internally, my responsibilities include making sure that our Associates (employees) know what is happening within the organization and how this impacts them." The Coca-Cola Company views its associates as brand ambassadors, so ensuring that employees have full visibility into relevant issues is important.

Refiloe is part of a team that is responsible for external communications as well. One important aspect of external communications is to track conversations on Coca-Cola in Africa.

Drink Coca-Cola in bottles ad

"Another way we leverage Daily Curated Executive Digests is to track positive stories that are being shared by the media about Coca-Cola in Africa and share them with our employees and other stakeholders. In addition to this, the daily alerts help us to stay on top of what various media organizations and our communities are saying about Coca-Cola in Africa."

The Solution

"Meltwater for food & beverage helps us track conversations around Coca-Cola in Africa through Daily Curated Executive Digests. The daily alerts help us to stay on top of what various media organizations and our communities are saying about Coca-Cola in Africa.

We recently launched a global campaign and we wanted to track how many media outlets across Africa had shared the story about the press conference that was held. We also wanted to understand which media outlets had picked up the press release that was shared by The Coca-Cola Company. Meltwater's Daily Digest allowed us to track what was being reported about the campaign, and based on the media queries we were getting; we were able to track how fast the story was growing externally and receive a report specifically on this matter as well.

Armed with insights from the Daily Curated Executive Digests, we're able to determine if the campaign had landed as anticipated in Africa, or if we needed to share more information about the campaign with the media.

Another way we leverage Daily Curated Executive Digests is to track positive stories that are being shared by the media about Coca-Cola in Africa and share them with our employees and other stakeholders. In addition to this, the daily alerts help us to stay on top of what various media organizations and our communities are saying about Coca-Cola in Africa."


Meltwater helps Coca-Cola in Africa to

Track conversations about Coca-Cola

"The daily alerts help us to stay on top of what various media organizations and what our communities are saying about Coca-Cola in Africa."

Structure internal and external communications to stakeholders

"Another way we leverage the tool is to track positive stories that are being shared by the media about Coca-Cola in Africa and share them with our employees and other stakeholders."

Manage Coca-Cola in Africa's reputation

"Meltwater for food & beverage helps us manage Coca-Cola in Africa's brand reputation through Daily Curated Executive Digests. Armed with insights from the Daily Curated Executive Digests, we are able to determine if the campaign had landed as anticipated in Africa, or if we needed to share more information about the campaign with the media."

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