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State of Influencer Marketing Report 2022

English cover image of the State of Influencer Report 2022 - Influencer Marketing in a New World

Our lives have dramatically changed in the last two years. We live in a dynamic and evolving society, but it’s evident that social media remains at the center of how we connect with each other and with brands.

Data & Findings of Influencer Marketing 2021

  • Sponsored Content Grew Dramatically in 2021
  • Micro Influencers Are Driving Industry Growth
  • Micro-Influencers Dominate TikTok
  • Instagram Remains Most Popular Platform, TikTok Surpases YouTube
  • Most Campaigns Incorporate Instagram Stories
  • Social Commerce: Leveraging Influencers To Drive Sales
  • FinTok: TikTok Influencers Giving Financial Advice
  • Conscious Messaging: Gender Neutrality and Influencer Marketing
  • Multi-Influencer Campaigns: Inclusivity and Diversity

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