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On-Demand Webinar: The New Rules for Crisis Communications

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In today’s ever-changing digital world, having the skills to navigate crises and to manage brand reputation is no longer an option, but a prerequisite, for any successful business leader.

But the rules have changed, and what we traditionally thought of as “strong leadership” can now hinder our crisis management and leadership success.

Top business leaders know how to manage crisis comms effectively.

In light of this, we’ve joined forces with crisis communications expert and thought leader, Meslissa Agnes, for an exclusive Meltwater webinar on The New Rules of Crisis Communications, to help you connect emotionally and intelligently with your teams, clients and communities, when it matters most.

Guest Speakers:

Melissa Agnes
Founder & CEO at Crisis Ready Institute

Recognized globally as an expert, thought leader and visionary in the field of crisis management, Melissa Agnes is the Founder and CEO at Crisis Ready Institute, a public benefit corporate dedicated to creating a crisis ready, crisis-resilient world. Her book, Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, is taught in dozens of universities around the world, including at Harvard University; and is ranked amongst the leading crisis management books of all time.

Dino Delic

Director of Analytics and Insights at Meltwater

Dino Delic has over a decade of experience consulting Communication and Marketing professionals working with companies globally to create and improve their marketing strategies. Dino has worked with brands such as H&M, GE, Hyatt, UPS, Fox Sports, Caesars, MARS, Fidelity, LG Electronics, and more. His focus is to help brands optimize their social media marketing efforts, understand their global target audiences, and utilize the data that Meltwater provides for strategic insights. Additionally, Dino has broad experience in sharing his knowledge and speaking at conferences, events, and webinars.

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