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On-Demand Webinar: Merging PR & Social Media

Merging PR & Social Media

In many businesses, PR and social media still exist in silos. 

But today, merging these two critical components of communication is imperative for success. By integrating social media and PR strategies, businesses can effectively streamline their messaging, maximize their reach, and create a cohesive brand presence across various platforms, ultimately driving engagement and fostering stronger relationships with their target audience.

In this on-demand webinar, Director of Social Media + Influence at IBM, Kirsten Berg, explains how the global tech giant approached the problem.

In this session, you'll learn:

  • Why aligned PR and social strategies are essential for brands
  • How the move enhanced IBM’s communications activity
  • The increasing convergence between influencers, analysts, and journalists
  • Tips for aligning PR and social in your own organization

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