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The Secret to Viral Video Marketing

5 Quick Tips for Social Video

Declining user attentions spans and unforgiving News Feed algorithms have taken video content from a “nice to have”, to an indispensable pillar of any well-rounded marketing strategy.

From Motorola’s captivating 2017 IPL campaign , #MotoRps, to Snapdeal’s stratospherically successful ad series, #UnBoxZindagi - it’s clear that video content is the future of marketing in both India, and around the world.

The challenge for marketers however, is figuring out the blueprint to creating videos that drive shares, engagement, and ultimately, sales. With this in mind, Meltwater is partnering with the Direct Marketing Association of India’s 2016 content marketer of the year, Aashish Chopra, to bring you a free online webinar unpacking the Secret to Viral Video Marketing.

To uncover the recipe for Oscar-worthy video content that delivers real-world business value, watch the webinar here.

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