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How to Accelerate Digital Transformation in Business

woman wearing glasses and working on a computer screen

The traditional rules and assumptions of business are no longer valid in the new digital economy.

Emerging technologies have triggered a shift in the global consumer market, resulting in the urgent need for brands to adopt transformative approaches to customer engagement, organisation structures, and business models.

In addition, the recent Covid-19 pandemic has further accelerated market shifts towards digital engagement.

In this Meltwater Webinar, Kamales Lardi explores innovative approaches that accelerate success in digital business transformation. You’ll learn:

1. Practical tips for successful Digital Transformation in business.

2. How to become more innovative and adaptable, as businesses and individuals.

3. Success principles for Transformation in the “new normal” digital economy.

We need to stay ahead of the curve. Watch now to learn how.

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A man is using the Meltwater Suite on his laptop and phone to improve his business strategy with media, social & consumer intelligence