
"It was extremely challenging to stay on top of the news, whether it was print or online. We needed to know what PR conversations were happening in our industry, in order to not just participate in it, but steer it whenever necessary."
Fabian Lau, Regional PR and Internal Communications Manager, MyRepublic
As an emerging competitor in the fast-paced telecommunications space, there is one skill that is perhaps championed above all others: agility. The ability to be able to create, adapt and implement quickly to a changing landscape. With larger incumbent titans ruling the roost, the PR and Communications team at MyRepublic have had to remain agile to stay competitive.
In the beginning, MyRepublic used traditional media monitoring methods (reading papers, Google alerts) to track their own news, but realised that they were missing content despite the highly time-consuming daily routine.
Part and parcel of being an agile operator also includes tracking competitor and regulatory news in order to update Senior Management. In turn, the C-Suite would be able to make strategic decisions.
“With Meltwater, Fabian has been able to capture important pieces of news, summarise them and provide us regular new summary updates — which has been really helpful to our senior management who spend a fair bit of time travelling. It’s helped us stay up-to-date on industry developments and market trends.”
Enning Yow, Head of Brand, MyRepublic
As the C-Suite becomes more and more pressed for time, their need for bite-sized and insight-led information increases. After switching to Meltwater, MyRepublic has been able to manually curate a Newsletter that is sent directly to Senior Management and a number of regional stakeholders several times a week. This is broken down into three categories for easy reading: corporate, competitor and regulatory.
“With fewer resources and manpower at our disposal than the traditional telcos, Meltwater was the perfect solution to automating a large but necessary number of PR tasks. For example, I use the Mobile App to tag content that I want to use in my Newsletter later in the week, so later all I need to do is write a summary for Management,” said Yow.
With an IPO planned for 2019 to help expand into an additional six markets, Meltwater has helped MyRepublic scale by ensuring that top executives keep on top of regulatory and competitive news.