Kverneland Group

Media Monitoring
Real-time monitoring and newsletters
Kverneland Group uses Meltwater’s media monitoring and handles all social media activities through the same platform. They also have the newsletter function which they use for internal communication of media coverage globally associated with the company and its machines, services and competitors.
Before Kverneland Group became a customer of Meltwater, they used a number of free online tools to achieve an overview of media coverage as well as coverage on social media. At this time, Siri Grude, Group Marketing Manager at Kverneland Group, had a list of keywords which she manually entered in the various free tools.
“It was very time consuming for us to follow up on all the keywords manually before we purchased the services from Meltwater,” says Grude. "For us at Kverneland Group, our internal communication associated with online media coverage has become much better since we started using Meltwater. Meltwater provides us with a tool that makes it easy for us to share relevant news articles with colleagues all over Europe through pre-defined newsletters.”
"It was very time consuming to look for and follow up all the keywords manually before we entered into an agreement with Meltwater"
Siri Grude, Group Marketing Manager, Kverneland Group
Reporting and analytics
Global and digital
Kverneland Group receives a fresh morning report with global content which is of great value both in news articles on the internet and social media. Siri is one of those who review the morning reports from Meltwater. News articles from the morning reports will then be sorted and sent out in various internal newsletters. Siri continues: “In addition, the morning reports which we receive provide a good overview of what may be relevant to share on our social medial channels.”
Through Meltwater, Siri sends out four customised internal newsletters weekly, each newsletter adapted to various recipient groups in Kverneland Group. The goal of the newsletter is to keep employees up to date on mentions of the company’s machines and technology, what is happening in the industry, with competitors and the market in general.
Siri says, “The advantage is not only that you can tailor the newsletter so that relevant information goes to the relevant target group, we can also see the effect of various events which Kverneland Group has organised or participated in”. Through Meltwater’s service, she can easily see who and how many people have talked about the event, which countries talked about the event and the coverage on social media. In this way, Siri can gain a good and simple overview of how the event was covered externally and mentions of Kverneland Group’s services and products.
"A major benefit of using Meltwater is that we easily gain an overview of online media coverage or mentions on social media and can tailor the internal newsletters. This is how relevant and correct information gets to the right people".
Siri Grude Group Marketing Manager, Kverneland Group
Real-time monitoring
Meltwater’s media coverage provides Kverneland Group with insight in real time.
With help from Meltwater, Kverneland Group sends internal newsletters to keep the international organisation updated on online news articles.
Follow up and targets
On Meltwater’s platform, they can track media coverage after major events to see whether the event has produced the desired results in terms of online mentions.