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Children smiling and dancing wearing Dance4Life t-shirts


Dance4Life works together with young people in the Netherlands and all over the world to combat the biggest health risk that young people are exposed to - unprotected sex. They do so through their international teaching program which is aimed at self-confidence, learning skills and, ultimately, making the right choices. Dance4Life empowers young people, providing them with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to protect their health and promote safe sexual choices.

Meltwater Helps Dance4Life with

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Global reach for global issues

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Listening to be informed of all relevant news

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A user-friendly solution for streamlining PR processes


Finding valuable and influential community members

Together with ambassadors such as Cato van Ee, Hardwell, and Anouk Maas, Dance4Life communicates daily about their teaching program and important themes surrounding healthy sexual choices for young people.

By monitoring international reporting and carrying out press activities with the help of Meltwater, the charity is able to quickly jump into important discussions.

A charity with plenty to say

As a charity, Dance4Life needs to be able to follow up on marketing and PR budgets. To make sure that as much money as possible is used directly for the benefit of the teaching program, Lisanne Mom, Communication and PR Manager, has to be efficient in all her PR activities.

In order to save time, Dance4Life was looking for a handy tool to monitor global news related to young people and sexual health, as well as to follow up on its ambassadors. Using Meltwater, a small team of communication and PR staff monitors the web to stay up to date and analyze its own brand performance.

Photo of a girl singing on stage with a microphone
Lisanne Mom, Communicatie & PR Manager, Dance4Life

"The influence ranking system is the best we've seen in the industry. It truly excels when it comes to drilling down into the content for context; for example, seeing past conversations. Through looking at past conversational history, we can see if an influencer has changed their opinion of us, is consistent in their comments and the timeframe between engagements. This makes my job a whole lot easier when it comes to making sense of current and past relationships from an influencer collaboration perspective."

Lisanne Mom, Communicatie & PR Manager, Dance4Life


Always up to date

Thanks to Meltwater, Dance4Life is always up to date. Several team members use the mobile app to follow articles about sexual health, Dance4Life, and ambassadors' activities in real-time. Based on current news coverage, they can focus their PR activities on appropriate topics and ensure that the PR budget is spent as efficiently as possible. By saving time and making press releases more targeted, they create a more successful PR strategy while having more time available during the workday.

Because they're able to monitor international press and contact international journalists, Lisanne and her team are better placed to improve the promotion of their international teaching program. At the same time, they can translate relevant articles into concrete results by using new insights to guide fundraising decision making. Meltwater makes it easier for the Dance4Life team to deliver the right message to the right journalists at the right time.


Meltwater helps Dance4Life with

Global reach for global issues.

“What I've noticed is that the world is so big, that you often miss international opportunities or overlook the right journalists, newspapers, or parties who would like to write about the subject if you only focus on the Netherlands.”

Listening to be informed of all relevant news.

“We use Meltwater to listen to what is happening. We once saw a message about how more attention should be paid to boundaries and sexual harassment in high schools, so for our school action program, we were able to use this information and let new schools know that we provide education on these topics. In that sense, we use Meltwater in a very functional way.”

A user-friendly solution for streamlining PR processes.

“We have a small team, so we can't spend too much time preparing press releases. Using Meltwater, we were able to prepare a press release and select lists in no-time to, for example, announce the results of our school action program. The system makes everything easy, which can’t be said of every tool.”