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Meltwater Customer Story - Brand South Africa

Brand South Africa

Meet The Client

As the Official Custodian of South Africa's Nation Brand, Brand South Africa is responsible for managing the reputation of the country. Established in August 2002, Brand South Africa helps create a positive and compelling brand image for the country, both locally and internationally. Brand South Africa also aims to inspire and instil pride among South Africans and to drive active citizenship among its people.

The Challenge: Managing and Tracking Our Reputation

With the significant responsibility of managing the reputation of the country, Brand South Africa needed a solution that could manage and track mentions, as well as efficiently respond to online posts and comments when necessary. Brand South Africa is tasked with coordinating initiatives to build South Africa's reputation, and so they needed a tool that would help them achieve this while placing South Africa on the global map and maintaining its brand image.

Meltwater Customer Story - Brand South Africa

"We had no in-house social media monitoring tool before using Meltwater, which was something that we needed in order to track our mentions and reputation online. Using Meltwater changed that and we can now do this from an all-in-one solution that meets our needs."

Thando Mketsu, Digital Specialist at Brand South Africa

The Solution: Meltwater's Media Intelligence Tool

Since using Meltwater, Brand South Africa has been able to track and stay on top of mentions in real-time, allowing them to manage the reputation of the country more efficiently. With the ability to stay on top of the multiple campaigns they run, Brand South Africa continues to successfully manage South Africa's reputation with an all-in-one platform.

Meltwater Customer Story - Brand South Africa

"My experience with working with the Meltwater team has been really great. Our Account Manager, Clarissa Blanckenberg, is a star and has been helpful with getting us started and used to the tool."

Thando Mketsu, Digital Specialist at Brand South Africa

Meltwater enables Brand South Africa to:

Get Accurate, Consolidated Reporting and Analytics

Track the Success of Multiple Brand Campaigns Simultaneously

Measure and Respond to Media Mentions in Real-Time

Meltwater enables Brand South Africa to:

1. Get Accurate, Consolidated Reporting and Analytics

"I really love the simplicity in the reporting that Meltwater provides. They make it easy to consolidate the information we receive into a report that's been simplified and easy to understand."

2. Track the Success of Multiple Brand Campaigns Simultaneously

"Media Intelligence and Meltwater Engage are my two favourite features. With Media Intelligence, we're able to track multiple campaigns and see who we are reaching, while with Engage, we use this on a daily basis to maximise our efforts when engaging with posts and comments on social media."

3. Measure and Respond to Media Mentions in Real-Time

"Because we use the tool on a daily basis, it's been really beneficial to track our mentions in real-time and know what conversations are happening on social media."