ADP - Associated Danish Ports

Analysis of media exposure and KPIs
It's important for ADP to continuously remain updated about any developments in their market. To help them achieve this, they use Meltwater's global media monitoring tool to gain a daily overview of who is writing about their brand and industry. This allows ADP to adapt their PR work continuously and react if necessary. ADP also uses Meltwater's media reports, which are created by Meltwater's media analyst department. Such reports help ADP deliver an even deeper analysis of the company's exposure and essential KPIs.
The in-depth analysis is used as a management tool for PR initiatives and as a general benchmark to measure how successful efforts have been. The media reports include, among other things, media exposure over time, potential reach, global geographical distribution and an overview of what media have returned the greatest volume of publicity.
"We use Meltwater's media reports to obtain an in-depth understanding of our media exposure. We can, therefore, work more strategically to increase our press initiative"
Associated Danish Ports
Reporting Global Presence
A daily news overview
Meltwater helps ADP with global media monitoring, providing them with a daily overview of the company's media exposure. Data is presented in news reports and interactive dashboards.
In-depth media reports
With semi-annual and annual reports, ADP gains in-depth insight on growing press initiatives and return on investment.
The basis for strategic work with the press initiative
With a focus on increasing press initiatives, it is important for ADP to be able to handle large volumes of data and locate what is most relevant. Only then can they can effectively work more strategically with PR.